Offer Details

Transfer reward points into any of the below loyalty partner programs and get up to 50% bonus miles/points during the offer period.

Offer PeriodLoyalty Partner (LP)Bonus Loyalty Partner Points/Miles

From 28th Dec 00:01 hours to
29th Dec’24 23:59 hours (IST)

AirAsia rewards50%
Etihad Guest20%

HDFC Bank cards eligible for this offer: HDFC Bank Infinia Metal, Infinia, Diners Club Black Metal, Diners Club Black, Regalia Gold credit cards.

Offer Transfer ratio:
for Infinia & Diners Black:

Offer PeriodLoyalty Partner (LP)Bonus Loyalty Partner Points/MilesTransfer ratioExisting transfer value 1 RP = below LP Miles/LP PointsOffer transfer value 1 RP = below LP Miles/LP Points

From 28th Dec 00:01 hours to   29th Dec’24 23:59 hours(IST)

AirAsia rewards50%1:111.5
Etihad Guest20%1:10.50.6

For Regalia Gold:

Offer PeriodLoyalty Partner (LP)Bonus Loyalty Partner Points/MilesTransfer ratioExisting transfer value 1 RP = below LP Miles/LP PointsOffer transfer value 1 RP = below LP Miles/LP Points

From 28th Dec 00:01 hours to   29th Dec’24 23:59 hours(IST)

AirAsia rewards50%2:10.50.75
Etihad Guest20%3:10.330.3999
How to avail

Visit Smartbuy >> Under ‘Privileges’ tab , select your card variant >> Miles Transfer >> Login >> Transfer miles to the loyalty partner of your choice

terms & conditions
  1. Transfer reward points into any of the below loyalty partners and get up to 50% bonus miles/points during the offer period.

    Offer PeriodLoyalty Partner (LP)Bonus Loyalty Partner Points/Miles

    From 28th Dec 00:01 hours to
    29th Dec’24 23:59 hours (IST)

    AirAsia rewards50%
    Etihad Guest20%
  2. HDFC Bank cards eligible for this offer : HDFC Bank Infinia Metal, Infinia, Diners Club Black Metal, Diners Club Black, Regalia Gold credit cards

  3. Only redeemable/billed reward points can be redeemed under ‘miles transfer’ program on Smartbuy 

  4. Redemption of Reward Points for flights & hotel bookings and against airmiles transfer on Smartbuy portal is  capped at :

    • a. 1,50,000 Reward Points per calendar month for HDFC Bank Infinia Credit Card

    • b. 75,000 Reward Points per calendar month for HDFC Bank Diners Club Black , Diners Club Black Metal Credit Card

    • c. 50,000 Reward Points per calendar month for HDFC Bank Regalia Gold Credit Card

  5. HDFC Bank Cardholder should be enrolled as a member of the respective participating loyalty program partners in order to participate in this offer.

  6. Bonus miles/points will be awarded at the time of transfer together with the original transferred miles/points, according to the standard transfer lead time.

  7. The bonus miles/points and the transferred miles/points may reflect in the account statement as two different transactions.

    100 Rewards Points transferred from credit card to Loyalty Partner. Assuming, 1:1 existing transfer ratio and 50% bonus, points in Loyalty Partner account will reflect as  below: 

    Loyalty Partner Points TransactionsComments
    + 100 Loyalty Partner PointsLoyalty Partner Points credit as per existing transfer ratio (1:1)
    +50 Loyalty Partner PointsLoyalty Partner Points credit as per bonus miles/points offer (50%)
  8. Reward points can be transferred in to Loyalty Partner Miles/Points only in multiples of 100

  9. Loyalty Partner Bonus Miles / points credit will be rounded to the nearest decimal


    Assuming, existing transfer ratio as 1: 0.333 and 60% bonus offer, points in Loyalty Partner account will reflect as below:

    1st transfer: 300 Rewards Points transferred from credit card to Loyalty Partner

    2nd transfer: 100 Rewards Points transferred from credit card to Loyalty Partner


    Loyalty Partner Points TransactionsComments
    + 99 Loyalty Partner Points1st transfer: Loyalty Partner Points credit as per existing transfer ratio (1: 0.333)
    +59 Loyalty Partner PointsLoyalty Partner Points credit as per bonus miles/points offer (60%)
    99*60% = 59.4 rounded to nearest decimal 59
    +33 Loyalty Partner Points2nd transfer: Loyalty Partner Points credit as per existing transfer ratio (1: 0.333)
    +20 Loyalty Partner PointsLoyalty Partner Points credit as per bonus miles/points offer (60%)
    33*60% = 19.8 rounded to nearest decimal 20
  10. Once the miles transfer request is initiated, it cannot be reversed.

  11. This offer is subject to the Terms & Conditions of the HDFC Bank Points Transfer program, available here. 

  12. Once the points/miles have been transferred to the participating loyalty program partner, they become subject to the Terms and Conditions of the participating loyalty program partner.